Elon Musk, the man who once promised to "buy Twitter" and "change the bird logo to a doge," has done just that. After spending billions of dollars taking over the platform, he's finally delivered on his whimsically promised brand makeover. While some are just rolling their eyes at the antics of this billionaire tech tycoon, others are speculating on just how this digital dog might be able to influence the volatile world of crypto.
What's the Deal with the Doge?
Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that started as a joke back in 2013. Its mascot is, fittingly, the Shiba Inu breed of dog and became a popular meme throughout the early 2010s. The fact is, many investors are skeptical of Dogecoin's value, with worries about its stability and sustainability being a hot topic of debate.
If you ask me, Musk taking over Twitter and bringing the Doge on board is all just part of his game to grab attention both online and offline. Whether he does this to boost the value of one of his favorite cryptocurrencies or to simply stir the pot, it seems to me that when it comes to Musk, there's always a little intrigue behind the screen. Let's watch and see — will Dogecoin take the world by storm or become another fleeting fad?